Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

All Key Players Must Support Turkey Summit: Öztürk

All Key Players Must Support  Turkey Summit: Öztürk

BRUSSELS - Turkish envoy to NATO has said the summit on Afghan peace in his country requires cooperation of all key players in the region and world, calling the meeting complementary to Doha talks.
BasatÖztürk, Turkey’s permanent representative to NATO, said this in an exclusive interview with Pajhwok Afghan News. He said that all leaders from Afghanistan, regional countries and the international community had been invited to the summit expected to be held in April in Turkey.
He said Ankara would host the conference on the request of Afghan leaders, regional countries, the US and Qatar.
“The Turkey conference would be a complementary to Doha negotiations. We have always supported a peace process under the leadership and ownership of Afghans, it is our duty to deliver our cooperation through any ways possible. It is not an extraordinary thing we have done, it is our job to assist our sisters and brothers in Afghanistan,” he said.
“We are hosting this conference, but we need the support of all key regional and world players; but before anything else the Afghan leaders should show their will for reaching a political settlement for Afghanistan. All sections of the society should see themselves in it, regional countries and the international community should support it. The national peace should turn to a regional and world peace so all support it,” he added.
Öztürk said that Afghan peace was a national issue and any decisions should be made based on the leadership and ownership of the Afghan people. No foreign country should try to impose their own political views on Afghan sisters and brothers, he added.
Peace and stability in Afghanistan is important for the whole heart of Asia and the region in terms of economy and commerce and for that reason, the support of the region and international community should continue with this country even after peace, he added.
“The role of Iran and Pakistan is essential in the Afghan peace process because the two countries are important neighbors of Afghanistan. I have no doubt that Pakistan and Iran would support this process and they are interested to see Afghanistan peaceful and prosper. Because the whole region would benefit from such an Afghanistan in the heart of Asia,” he believed.
About the withdrawal of Turkey forces form Afghanistan, he said that troops of his country never took part in combat operations.
“It is the first thing we should say and the Afghan people know that. We have made clear to all NATO allies, people of Afghanistan and the world that we work only for training, assistance and advice of Afghans police and stayed there,” he said.
Öztürk said that another aim of their presence in Afghanistan was reconstruction in this country as his country has provided over a billion US dollar.
“We have built seminaries, healthcare centers, clinics, bridges and others. It was an investment for Afghanistan and our role was more about reconstruction and development…” he added.
He hoped that the Turkey summit would be able to open the knot of Afghanistan problems and it would be a landmark event for Afghans.
The date for the Turkey Summit on Afghan peace is unclear but some unnamed sources previously said that the event would be held on April 16. (Pajhwok)