Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

US Army Chief: ‘Multiple Contingencies’ for Afghanistan Policy

US Army Chief: ‘Multiple  Contingencies’ for Afghanistan Policy

US Army Chief of Staff General McConville, in response to questions from the Washington Post about the US involvement in Afghanistan, said: “I know there’s a lot of interest in what is happening in Afghanistan. And you know, the administration is leading with policy. They’re going to shape it with diplomacy, and then the military will execute those orders. They’re in the process right now. There are multiple contingencies. And once those decisions are made at the highest level, we’ll be ready to execute.”
Asked about the practical ability of the US military to rapidly withdraw troops, Gen. McConville said it all comes down to “physics,” in terms of moving troops and equipment, adding that “the commanders in the field have those type of contingency plans” to advise senior leaders in the administration. He said “those plans were available right now.”
In response to a question about whether US General Scott Miller, commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, and other leaders were preparing for the possibility that they could come under significant attack over the next weeks and months, Gen. McConville praised General Miller—“I don’t think there’s any finer combat leader in the United States Army”--and said “we’re all going to make sure that our troops are taken care of and have the proper defense mechanisms in place…”
The proposal calls for the executive branch to include a president with his four deputies, including a woman, a prime minister with his four deputies, including a woman, cabinet ministers and independent directorates.
It is expected that the leadership committee of the reconciliation council will make a final decision on unifying the proposed plan reviewed by the 15-member committee. A proposal that is finalized by the leadership committee will be presented at the Turkey conference on Afghanistan. (TOLO NEWS)