Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

US Senator Calls Troop Pullout a Complicated Decision

US Senator Calls Troop Pullout a Complicated Decision

KABUL - A top US senator says the pullout of the remaining American troops from Afghanistan is a complicated decision.
Mitchell McConnell said: “There is no denying that withdrawing from Afghanistan is a complicated decision. At a minimum, the US will not leave behind a stable regime.”
In a statement on Saturday, the Republican lawmaker warned of a real chance of increased extremist activity in the wake of the US pullout.
He also cited the progress Afghanistan has made in various areas could be affected, particularly headway on the rights of women, would backslide — if not be lost altogether.
“Of course, these truths do not obviate the fact that staying simply means spending more money and putting US citizens in harm’s way for unclear gains,” the senator believed. (Pajhwok)