Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Civil War in ‘No One’s Interest’ in Afghanistan: Blinken

Civil War in ‘No One’s Interest’ in Afghanistan: Blinken

the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in an interview with ABC news said that the civil war in Afghanistan is in "no one’s interest."
“If the Taliban is going to participate in some fashion in governance, if it wants to be internationally recognized, if it doesn’t want to be a pariah, it’s going to have to engage in a political process,” he said.
US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday that no one can offer guarantees about Afghanistan's future after US troops leave, but he stressed that the United States would stay focused on terrorist threats emanating from the country.
According to a Reuters report, Sullivan was asked on the Fox News Sunday program about the risk of a repeat of what happened in Iraq, where Daesh militants seized territory after US troops withdrew in 2011. That led then-President Barack Obama to send troops back into Iraq.
The Taliban stated they would not attend the Turkey conference after US President Joe Biden announced a new date for the full withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan. The group said they will not attend any talks on peace unless the US leaves the country. (TOLO NEWS)