Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Chinese Company to Extract Amu Darya Oil Zone

Chinese Company  to Extract Amu Darya Oil Zone

KABUL - The Afghan Ministry of Mines on Sunday said that an agreement between the ministry and Chinese National Petroleum Company (CNPC) will be signed to start extraction at Amu Daray Oil Zone.
After consultation with civil society forum and reporting to the cabinet, the practical phase of the extraction will be officially authorized to CNPC.
The Amu Darya Oil zone covers oil reserves in Sar-e-pul and Faryab provinces and it is able to produce 87 million barrels of oil.

After the agreement is signed, the company can start extractions from Qushquri, Bazarkami and Zamarudsai oil zones, the ministry added.
After work is started, the ministry will provide CPNC with facilities in Kabul, Sheberghan and Sar-e-pul provinces.

"The contents of the agreement will be discussed with civil society this week and it will be submitted to the Afghan cabinet for approval," Jawad Omer, a spokesman for Ministry of Mines said.
The ministry added that 12 international companies have offered their expressions of interest to attend the bidding. (Tolo News)