Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

US Must Hand Over Military Gear to Afghan Forces: MPs

US Must Hand Over Military Gear to Afghan Forces: MPs

KABUL - Some Wolesi Jirga members on Monday claimed that the US forces were demolishing and as well as transferring their military gear to Pakistan upon leaving their bases, but the US rejected their claim and said equipment were being handed over to Afghans.
NATO Resolute Support Commander Gen. Miller told reporters that all military bases with some equipment are being handed over to Afghan Defence Ministry.
He did not talk about handing over military equipment to Pakistan, but added some equipment were being transferred to military bases in the region.
Wolesi Jirga Member BelqesRoshan said that foreign forces were busy demolishing their equipment in Afghanistan. She claimed US forces planned to transfer some military equipment to Pakistan.
Roshan said the Afghans had no problem with the pullout of foreign forces from Afghanistan and they should leave Afghanistan but they should not demolish their military equipment or transfer them to Pakistan.
AbdalMohammadi a lawmaker from Samangan province, said: “We the people of Afghanistan will never enjoy peace until there are foreign forces in Afghanistan. We have a security pact with the US and they should hand over all military equipment to Afghans.”
“The process of demolishing military equipment in their bases is practically underway but they deny it,” he said. (Pajhwok)