Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Mohib Govt Does Not See Any Justification for Taliban Violence

Mohib Govt Does Not See Any  Justification for Taliban Violence

KABUL - Hamdullah Mohib, National Security Adviser, during a press conference on Saturday, whined and questioned the ongoing violence and atrocities contemporary undertaken by the Taliban over which the US has kept its silence, he declared that government does not see any justification for the Taliban war as NATO and US troops are preparing to withdraw.
Taliban is an ISI-backed force that keeps seeking power, Mohib added, that the group uses different tactics to justify the violence.
He said if they justify the murdering civilians, indeed Taliban justifies their slavery for an intelligence agency.
According to Mohib, the Taliban gets their military equipment and explosive materials from Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
Mohib Said the Taliban are ISI puppets and are instructed from Pakistan for “killing Afghans”, destruction of Afghanistan and the entire world knows about it, Taliban needs to explain this.
The NSA further elaborated that al-Qaeda plays a key role in keeping the Taliban’s war active in Afghanistan, but the group has continuously rejected having ties with al-Qaeda.
Taliban militants claim that no other group can operate, except them, and based on their orders the violence stops and no one else launches attacks. In this matter Taliban are responsible and al-Qaeda, Daesh are operating in cooperation with the militant group, Mohib added.
According to Mohib there are also those in the ranks of the Taliban who considers the ongoing Taliban violence illegitimate.
On the other hand, the acting defense minister Gen. Yasin Zia confirmed that US and NATO troops are leaving Afghanistan and that the withdrawal has practically been initiated.
Zia briefly told reporters that foreign troops will hand over areas where their logistics issues were addressed and soon will be handed to the Afghan defense forces.
US and NATO forces will leave other bases and will gather at Bagram airbase from there they will leave Afghanistan, Zia hinted.
Camp Shorab in helmand will be fully deserted by Sunday.
The withdrawal process has raised concerns about the future of Afghanistan, NSA adviser in his turn said, that the government expects the Taliban will continue their violence and every single Afghan will become a target to them.
Meanwhile, the Afghan National Defense and Security forces have vowed to protect and defend Afghanistan and its borders against any hostile activity.
This comes as Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction reported that their findings indicate insider attacks and enemy infiltration in the ANDSF has increased by a staggering 82 percent.
Only in the first quarter of 2021 insider attacks resulted in 115 ANDSF deaths and further 39 others were injured.
According to SIGAR report overall ANDSF casualties were substantially higher in the same period previous year.
SIGAR is not allowed to include full ANDSF casualty data because U.S. forces in Afghanistan keep it classified at the request of the Afghan government.
Based on the Afghan government’s request U.S forces have kept the full ANDSF casualty data confidential, only between January 1st and April 1st there were 31 insider attack incidents recorded in the data, and the number of casualties caused was more than double during the same period last year.
SIGAR report also stressed doubt on whether anyone would replace contractor personnel or perform their Task after the withdrawal.
“Without continued contractor support, none of the Afghan Air Force’s (AFF) airframes can be sustained as combat effective for more than a few months, depending on the stock of equipment parts in-country, the maintenance capability on each airframe, and when contractor support is withdrawn,” SIGAR stated referring to the results of assessments. (Khaama Press)