Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

‘Recent Ghani, Karzai, Hekmatyar Meeting Discuss HSC

‘Recent Ghani, Karzai, Hekmatyar Meeting Discuss HSC

KABUL - Senior Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) member Humayon Jareer has claimed President Ashraf Ghani, former president Hamid Karzai and HIA leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar have agreed on formation of a powerful High State Council (HSC).
This was agreed during a recent meeting between the trio at Karzai’s residence, said Jareer, adding that they stressed over a unified peace plan and political consensus for peace and it was agreed that the creation of a powerful HSC was necessary for this purpose.
But Government Media and Information Centre (GMIC) Head Dawa Khan Menapal said it was as yet not clear what powers shall the council have and how many members the council will have.
Salahuddin Rabbani’s led Jamiat Islami Party said majority of politicians and leaders will not become part of a council led by President Ghani.
According to Jareer, the three leaders agreed that HSC will have two specialties — one its members would be limited from seven to eight persons and second the council will have the power to decide about major national issues.
He said Ghani, Karzai and Hekmatyar agreed that HSC would be comprised of political leaders representing a large number of people and those influential in the peace and security of the country.
Salahuddin Rabbani’s Spokesperson Abdul Meftah Ahmadzai said that President Ghani had started efforts in recent days to create national consensus for peace.
He added the purpose of HSC creation was that President Ghani would give legitimacy to his peace plan though this council.
According to Menapal, efforts for political consensus on peace are underway and would soon be concluded with an outcome.
“One thing is clear, this council is a joint body representing the republic and all would defend the past achievements, national institutions, the constitution and the republican system,” he said. (Pajhwok)