Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Less Civilian Casualties Last Week as Hopes for Peace Revive

Less Civilian Casualties Last Week as Hopes for Peace Revive

KABUL - Forty-nine civilians were killed and wounded last week in Afghanistan while the numnber of civilan casualties in the previous week stood at 366.
The reduction in civilian casualties last week happened as peace efforts continued and people’s hopes for a peaceful settlement to the conflict revived again.

  • Taliban: Ready for serious talks with government negotiating team
  • US: Diplomatic efforts for peace in Afghanistan to continue
  • China: Ready to host Afghan peace talks
  • US Congress members: Taliban will capture Afghanistan after US forces pull out but US Chief Negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad disagreed with the opinion
  • Khalilzad: Taliban will face regional and international curbs if they tried to get power by force
  • Mohib: Pakistan trying to expand its borders by supporting a strong power-seeking group
  • Reports: US begins construction of military base on the other side of Durand Line in an attempt to fight terrorism
  • Pakistan: Kabul seeking Islamabad support and also leveling allegations
  • Last week sees less civilian casualities compared to past eight weeks

Attacks, civilian causalties:
Thrity-one civilians were killed and 18 others injured in 11 attacks in seven provinces — Helmand, Ghor, Logar, Baghlan, Nangarhar, Jawzjan and Kabul last week.
The previous week, 112 civilians were killed and 254 others injured in 21 attacks in Kabul, Zabul, Parwan, Kunduz, Kandahar, Logar, Nangarhar, Khost, Herat, Paktia and Uruzgan provinces.
In these attacks, security forces and the Taliban also suffered casualties but Pajhwok did not publish the figures because enough information with authentic sources was not available to support their casualty figures. (Pajhwok)