Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Afghanistan Records Highest Single Day Deaths

Afghanistan Records Highest Single Day Deaths

KABUL - The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) on Monday said 628 new positive Covid-19 cases were registered in the last 24 hours in the country.
The ministry in a statement said 2,647 people underwent tests since Saturday and the virus was detected in 628 people, pushing the overall tally to 66,903.
It said 178 cases were detected in Kabul, 89 in Kandahar, 38 each in Nangarhar, Parwan, 34 in Balkh, 32 in Maidan Wardak, 29 in Paktia, 28 in Kunduz, 21 in Kapisa, 20 in Helmand, 19 in Panjsher, 16 in Laghman, 15  in Laghman, 14 each in Takhar, Baghlan , 13 in Herat, 7 in Ghazni, 5 each in Uruzgan, Farah, Sari Pul, 4 in Badakhshan, 2 in Ghor, 1 each in Faryab and Khost  provinces.
At least 260 individuals recovered during the period, taking the recoveries to 56,295.
The country also recorded the year’s highest number of single day deaths since yesterday as 24 people lost their lives to the virus, with the total death toll reaching 2,836. (Pajhwok)