Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Finance Minister Should Name Corrupt Elements: WJ

Finance Minister Should Name Corrupt Elements: WJ

KABUL - The Wolesi Jirga on Monday said acting Finance Minister Mohammad Khalid Painda has failed to fulfill his promise of disclosing corrupt elements to lawmakers.
Earlier Painda told the lower house that in the coming session he would present the names of some corrupt individuals appointed with reference of influential persons in the government in customs offices.
He told the lower house of parliament that up to eight million dollars were daily embezzled in the country’s customs offices and some government officials had appointed their men in these offices using their influence.
Following his remarks, some lawmakers demanded disclosing people who supported corrupt individuals and thus today (Monday) Painda was expected to come to the lower house and disclose these people.
The absence of Acting Finance Minister Mohammad Khalid Painda irked lawmakers. Abdul Rauf Shpon, a lawmaker from Nangarhar province, said: “When finance minister made this accusation he should disclose the names otherwise he should be referred to the Attorney General Office.”
He criticized Painda and added: “Why daily embezzlement of $8 million is not prevented since you become finance minister. People involved in corruption and embezzlement of public fund should be disclosed.”
Speaker Mir RahmanRahmani said: “in line with last week Wolesi Jirga decision today finance minister should have come to the house for providing information on what is happening in the country’s customs offices to know who influenced customs offices to pave way for corruption.”
“If government officials are involved in this looting, they should be disclosed so that people could identify them.”
He asked relevant authorities dealing with corruption to investigate finance minister claim and added the house will not stop chasing these element despite the fact that finance minister failed to fulfill his pledge of attending today’s session to disclose corrupt people. (Pajhwok)