Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

India Reaffirms Commitment to Support Afghanistan

 India Reaffirms Commitment to Support Afghanistan

Deputy and Acting Foreign Minister Mirwais Nab met with Head of the Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran (PAI) Devision of the Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of India Mr. JP Singh, to discuss the latest developments in the Afghan peace process, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.
Both the leaders exchanged views on the new chapter of cooperation between Afghanistan and the international community, as well as further strengthening cooperation between the two countries.
Expressing solidarity of the people and government of Afghanistan with India in its fight against Covid, Mr. Nab appreciated India ‘s comprehensive cooperation and efforts to ensure lasting peace in Afghanistan.
Mr. Nab also spoke about the latest developments in the Afghan peace process and the beginning of a new chapter in security, political and development cooperation between Afghanistan and the international community and stressed the importance of continuation of India’s cooperation along with the international community’s support to peace and prosperity in Afghanistan.
Mr. Singh highlighted the purpose of his visit to Kabul and his meetings with the Afghan officials. The Indian delegation, while emphasizing the importance of peace and prosperity in Afghanistan for the region, assured Mr. Nab of India’s  continued cooperation and support to Afghanistan.
Both sides discussed the latest developments in the Afghan peace talks, the implementation of trade, transport and regional connectivity projects in trilateral framework, and stressed the need for the commencement of working groups within the framework of the Afghanistan-India Strategic Partnership. (Pajhwok)