Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Karzai Calls for Peace Talks to be Moved to Afghanistan

Karzai Calls for Peace Talks to be Moved to Afghanistan

KABUL - Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Monday called for peace negotiations to be moved to home country.
Speaking at an event in Kabul, Karzai suggested that negotiations are not making progress because outsiders are advancing their own agenda.
He said that the talks should be moved to Afghan provinces such as Bamyan, Nuristan, Panjsher and Uruzgan.
“Let us turn the outsiders’s project into a national process so that we achieve peace soon” Karzai said.

He also suggested the Taliban should cut ties with neighboring countries and make decisions by their own. (1TV NEWS)