Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

1,677 New Cases of COVID-19, 87 Deaths Reported

1,677 New Cases of COVID-19,  87 Deaths Reported

KABUL - The Ministry of Public Health on Friday reported 1,677 new positive cases of COVID-19 out of 4,711 samples tested in the last 24 hours. 
The ministry also reported 87 deaths in the same period, a bit less than the highest daily record of 101 that was recorded on Thursday.
The figures show that 728 recoveries from COVID-19 were also reported in the last 24 hours.
Afghanistan has so far recorded 100,521 positive cases and 4,030 deaths from COVID-19. The total number of recoveries from COVID-19 in the country is 63,426.
The new cases were reported in Kabul (316), Herat (89), Kandahar (53), Balkh (126), Nangarhar (142), Kunduz (64), Baghlan (118), Faryab (78), Maidan Wardak (76), Helmand (37), Paktia (40), Badakhshan (8), Ghazni (62), Laghman (24), Panjshir (335), Kunar (5), Zabul (10), Badghis (9), Ghor (29), Uruzgan (6), Paktika (16), Khost (3) and Samangan (31) provinces.
The deaths were reported in Kabul (20), Kandahar (1), Balkh (17), Nangarhar (6), Kunduz (6), Takhar (8), Faryab (1), Maidan Wardak (2), Parwan (2), Paktia (1), Nimroz (3), Logar (3), Laghman (3), Panjshir (2), Kunar (1), Daikundi (1), Uruzgan (1), Paktika (3), Sar-e-Pul (2), Jawzjan (2) and Samangan (2) provinces.
According to Johns Hopkins University, the number of deaths from COVID-19 globally is more than 3,843,421 and the number of known global coronavirus cases is 177,483,286.
With the increase of positive cases, demands for oxygen for COVID-19 patients have also increased. 
Health officials said this week that each day hundreds of COVID-19 patients are coming to hospitals for treatment. “Each day about 300 are hospitalized and most of them are over 40,” an official said.
Previously, health officials warned the people to consider the advice of the Ministry of Public Health and to wear masks and practice social distancing. “Otherwise, the country will face a disaster," the officials said.  
Recent figures show that so far over 656,000 people have been vaccinated in the country. Over 121,000 of them are health workers and more than 81,000 are teachers. (TOLO NEWS)