Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Abdullah Says Turkey’s Presence at Kabul Airport ‘Important’

Abdullah Says  Turkey’s Presence at Kabul Airport  ‘Important’

KABUL - Head of Afghanistan’s High Council for National Reconciliation, Abdullah Abdullah, has emphasized on the importance of Turkey’s presence at Kabul airport after foreign troops withdraw from the country.
Speaking in an interview with Anadolu Agency on the sidelines of Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Abdullah said that US was discussing security of Kabul airport with Turkish government.
“It was raised also with the government of Pakistan, which had shown its consent with that issue. But meanwhile, the details of it has not been discussed between the government of Pakistan and Turkish government,” Abdullah said.
He accused the Taliban of trying to “take advantage of relative vacuum” after the withdrawal of foreign troops in the country.
“The Taliban is trying to take advantage of that attacks,” he said, but also added that the Taliban’s gains were “temporary.”
He went on to say that the Taliban’s surging attacks are a part of their strategy to use for the negotiation table or in search for a military solution, also noting that “it will not work” either way. (1TV NEWS)