Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

1981 Files Hint at Afghan Secret War

1981 Files Hint at  Afghan Secret War

WASHINGTON - Evidence of an escalating secret war in Afghanistan is revealed in confidential documents which have been released to the National Archives.
The documents detail Britain and America's contribution to supporting Afghan militants fighting against the Soviets following the invasion of 1979 and an increasing propaganda war around the Moscow Olympics of 1980.

With some of those figures still active in Afghan politics, in places the Foreign Office documents have been censored or pages have been removed.
A "top secret memo" from the Foreign Secretary's private secretary in September 1980 wrote of training and equipping 26 cameramen to be sent into Afghanistan to "take films of Russian atrocities and military activities in Afghanistan."

Headed "Publicity for the resistance in Afghanistan", it added: "The latest cameraman to return came back on 12 September, bloody and tattered having lost everything except his cameras and film after becoming involved in a heavy Soviet attack on a Mujahideen headquarters near Jalalabad," the memo said.
"They hope for good shots from his film which is now on its way back to the UK."

Earlier shots included pictures of the Mujahideen flourishing their weapons, moving through rough terrain in guerrilla formation and standing over a wrecked Soviet helicopter and military vehicles that had been knocked out.

The first batch of film was handed to the BBC before the Olympics had closed, but a note said "unfortunately the BBC did not show it until immediately afterwards."

The clips were also syndicated "indirectly" through a company called Visnews and appeared in North and South America, Western Europe, Japan, Australia and possibly in communist Romania and Poland. A letter from Downing Street to the Foreign Office on September 23 said the Prime Minister had seen a letter of September 19 "about [redacted] Afghan tribesmen to take films of Russian atrocities and military activities in Afghanistan." She has commented "Excellent", it added.

As the war dragged on, Ahmed Gailani, a royalist member of the Mujahideen who headed a group called the national Islamic Front of Afghanistan, visited Britain in August 1980.

A letter from Lord Carrington to the Cabinet's Overseas Defense Committee said he had asked for anti-aircraft weapons, anti-tank weapons and .303 ammunition for small arms.

But Lord Carrington said: "From information available to us, I am satisfied that arms are getting through to the Afghan resistance. I do not think therefore that we need or should get into the business of supplying arms to the resistance ourselves, although I would, of course, look at any specific requests in their merits."

Lord Carrington warned against "the appearance of an East-West confrontation" and a memo from Kabul on August 28 reported that the Soviet Ambassador had warned the supply of weapons to the rebels could "create a dangerous situation."

Britain did eventually become involved in supplying limpet mines, Blowpipe anti-aircraft weapons and other equipment to the rebels.
It is not clear when that started but the files include a telegram from Mr Gailani to Mrs Thatcher in October 1980.

"We wish you a happy birthday and hope you will have continued success in the years to come. Thanking you for your support in the struggle of the Afghan people," it said.
Moreover when Alexander Haig, the US Secretary of State, visited Britain in April 1981 a memo by Lord Carrington's private secretary was headed "Help for the Afghan resistance."

It said that during the private discussions which preceded the main session of talks, Lord Carrington raised the question of arms for the Afghan resistance "and described our own efforts." "Mr Haig signified that he knew what was being done and said that he had briefed President Reagan," it added. (Agencies)