Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Atmar, Taherian Confer on Proposed 3-Way Meeting

Atmar, Taherian Confer on  Proposed  3-Way Meeting

KABUL - Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar has met Iran’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Mohammad Ebrahim Taherani.
Taherani briefed Atmar on the outcome of his recent visit to Pakistan, said a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Referring to the importance of regional consensus and strengthening relations among the three countries, Taherani proposed a trilateral foreign ministerial meeting.
Underscoring the need for further cementing friendly relations between Kabul and Tehrani, Atmar noted that consolidating and expanding bilateral and multilateral relations were of vital importance.
He supported in principle the proposed trilateral meeting, hoping it would prove instrumental in further boosting regional consensus on the success of the Afghan peace process.
Given the importance of practical cooperation between the two countries, the foreign minister underscored convening of the sixth Joint Economic Commission meeting between Afghanistan and Iran. (Pajhwok)