Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

US: Infrastructure Destruction Shows Taliban’s Extremism

US: Infrastructure Destruction Shows Taliban’s Extremism

KABUL - The US embassy in Kabul says it is shocked by reports about the destruction of infrastructure and capture of people by Taliban in the Andkhoy district of northern Faryab.
Some news organisations and social media recently released reports and videos, showing Taliban’s destruction of infrastructure.
US Embassy Chargé Affairs Ross Wilson tweeted: “Seeing shocking reports from Andkhoy district of Faryab.”
The diplomat wrote: “The Taliban’s burning of shops and government buildings, detaining of people, destruction of infrastructure, communication networks demonstrate their extremism and their disregard for the human rights of the Afghan people.”
Videos showing the Taliban blowing up Anar Dara district’s office complex and a four-storey building in the Qaisar district of Faryab were also shared previously on social media.
Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid reacted to the tweet from the US embassy.
Mujahid spurned the US embassy’s statement on Andkhoy as irresponsible and baseless.
He insisted the Taliban considered it their duty to protect their country and people. He blamed foreigners for killing innocent people over the past 20 years.
He alleged the government forces bombed people, markets and buildings in Andkhoy and Parwarn’s Siagard district, causing destruction. (Pajhwok)