Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Afghanistan Reports 1,309 New Cases, 59 Deaths

Afghanistan Reports  1,309 New Cases, 59 Deaths

KABUL - The Ministry of Public Health on Friday reported 1,309 new positive cases of COVID-19 out of 3,839 samples tested in the last 24 hours.
The ministry also reported 59 deaths and 776 recoveries from COVID-19 in the same period. The figures indicate a slight decrease in daily COVID-19 cases deaths in the country. But doctors have warned that the COVID-19 infections are still high and that people should use masks and keep social distancing.
The new cases were reported in Kabul (160), Herat (94), Kandahar (44), Balkh (28), Nangarhar (97), Takhar (83), Kunduz (72), Maidan Wardak (54), Helmand (54), Badakhshan (130), Bamiyan (18), Ghazni (52), Nimroz (24), Kapisa (5), Laghman (30), Daikundi (19), Kunar (29), Zabul (40), Ghor (81), Badghis (95), Farah (29), Khost (54) and Paktika (17) provinces.
The deaths were reported in Kabul (9), Kandahar (3), Balkh (4), Nangarhar (3), Takhar (3), Kunduz (3), Faryab (5), Maidan Wardak (6), Helmand (1), Badakhshan (1), Paktia (5), Ghazni (2), Nimroz (3), Logar (1), Laghman (2), Kapisa (1), Ghor (1), Badghis (1), Khost (1), Paktika (3) and Nuristan (1) provinces.
The number of total recorded cases is 123,463, total deaths is 5,107 and total recoveries is 72,700, according to figures by the Public Health Ministry.
Johns Hopkins University reports that the number of deaths from COVID-19 globally is more than 3,955,835 and the number of known global coronavirus cases is 182,653,642. (TOLO NEWS)