Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Taliban Have Fought Against All Ethnic Groups: VP

Taliban Have Fought Against All Ethnic Groups: VP

KABUL - Second Vice-President Sarwar Danish says the Taliban do not represent any ethnic group as they have fought against all ethnic communities over the past 27 years.
He hit out at the insurgent movement at the inauguration ceremony here for members of the Board of the Journalists and Media Workers’ Fund.
The VP blamed the militants for killing and injuring dozens of civilians daily and for displacing thousands of families in different parts of the country.
Danish slammed Taliban’s current war as illegal under Islamic teachings and fatwas from religious scholars around the Muslim.
The VP claimed the Taliban were thirsty for the blood of the people and intent upon grabbing power at all costs. They were interested only in the insurgency, he maintained.
Taliban’s enjoyed foreign support and senior official of some neighbouring countries had recently spoken in support of the fighters, he alleged, without naming country.
According to him, the fact that the Taliban have escalated the fighting shows that they do not want peace and are abusing the slogan of peace.
He added: “The Doha agreement between the US and Taliban says that violence will be reduced, a ceasefire declared and intra-Afghan talks will begin soon.”
Danish charged the Taliban had not acted in accordance with the provisions of the Doha deal. The rebels had run away from peace talks, he commented.
The Taliban war was against the people, political parties and ethnic groups, Danish said, stressing the need for consensus among all ethnic groups and politicians and support for the national security forces.
Referring to the visit of Mullah Amir Khan Mutaqi, a key member of the Taliban movement, to Daikundi province, Danish said people had seen militant leader’s real face.
The Taliban recently released photos of Mullah Amir Khan Mutaqi sitting with Shia and Hazara tribal elders in Kajran district, assuring them that they would not face any problem.
However, Danish accused the Taliban of setting alight people’s homes in Daikundi province. The rebels forced innocent civilians from their homes, the VP concluded. (Pajhwok)