Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Turkey, Pakistan and Iran Consulates Close Doors in Balkh

Turkey, Pakistan and Iran Consulates Close Doors in Balkh

BALKH - Consulate offices of Turkey, Pakistan and Iran have closed in Mazar-e-Sharif amid a deteriorating security situation in Balkh, local officials confirmed.
Officials said visas are no long being issued by these consulates and that the diplomats have been relocated to Kabul.
This comes as fighting in the province escalated substantially, resulting in the fall of a number of districts to the Taliban.
Balkh officials said that they reassured the consulates that they would ensure security and protection but that the consulates closed their doors instead.
Meanwhile, sources told Ariana News that Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are now limiting the number of visas to Afghans.
Some politicians in Balkh have meanwhile established a new mobilization council in the province to protect the city of Mazar.
This council, which consists of officials and representatives of the parties, elected Atta Mohammad Noor as the chairman of the council.
Noor said the People’s Mobilization Forces were obliged to defend the city of Mazar-e-Sharif against Taliban attacks and to take part in offensive operations to retake lost territory. (ATN)