Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Afghanistan Reports 77 COVID-19 Deaths in Last 24 Hours

Afghanistan Reports  77 COVID-19 Deaths in  Last 24 Hours

KABUL - The Ministry of Public Health on Friday reported 1,191 new positive cases of COVID-19 out of 3,526 samples tested in the last 24 hours, a slight decrease in daily reported cases.
The ministry also reported 77 deaths and 925 recoveries from COVID-19 in the same period.
The new cases were reported in Kabul (242), Herat (169), Kandahar (24), Balkh (17), Nangarhar (56), Takhar (45), Kunduz (55), Faryab (10), Maidan Wardak (28), Helmand (34), Bamiyan (58), Ghazni (23), Badakhshan (61), Paktia (43), Daikundi (19), Laghman (113), Zabul (66), Ghor (38), Badghis (199), Farah (25), Uruzgan (1), Paktika (10) and Nuristan (23) provinces.
The deaths were reported Kabul (29), Balkh (5), Kandahar (1), Nangarhar (6), Takhar (1), Kunduz (2), Faryab (2), Maidan Wardak (3), Helmand (2), Ghazni (2), Badakhshan (1), Paktia (3), Nimroz (2), Daikundi (1), Laghman (4), Kunar (1), Ghor (2), Farah (2), Khost (4), Samangan (2), Paktika (1) and Sar-e-Pul (1) provinces.
Data by the Public Health Ministry shows that the total number of cases is 132,777, total deaths stand at 5,638 and total recoveries are at 79,446.
So far, 650,555 samples have been tested in the country’s laboratories for COVID-19. Moreover, more than 980,000 people have had at least one shot of COVID-19 vaccine, government data shows.
The total confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world stands at 185,663,348 and total deaths are 4,012,659, figures by Johns Hopkins University show. (TOLO NEWS)