Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Govt, Taliban Negotiating Agree to Continue Peace Talks

Govt, Taliban Negotiating Agree to Continue Peace Talks

KABUL - Government and the Taliban negotiating teams in Doha, the capital of Qatar, have discussed the continuation, effectiveness and acceleration of peace talks.
A well-placed source in Qatar on the condition of anonymity told Pajhwok Afghan News government and the Taliban negotiating teams held a meeting in Doha on Thursday.
During the meeting discussion on the acceleration, continuation and effectiveness of peace were held and it was agreed that political solution was the only way to resolve the conflict.
The Taliban Qatar Office Spokesperson Dr. Naeem also confirmed the meeting between the two sides.
He said: “On Thursday negotiating teams held a meeting and exchanged Eid facilitation. Both teams agreed to the acceleration, effectiveness and continuation of talks.” (Pajhwok)