Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Stable Afghanistan in Interest of Entire Region: Sharif

Stable Afghanistan in Interest of Entire Region: Sharif

KABUL - National Security Advisor Dr Hamdullah Mohib met former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif in London on Saturday.
A statement from the National Security Council said Minister of State for Peace Syed Sadat Mansour Naderi and Afghan Ambassador to Britain Dr. Zalmai Rassoul also met Sharif on issues of mutual interest.
It added the two sides agreed that a policy of mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs would serve the interests of both nations.
They concurred that strengthening democracy in both countries could put them on the path to stability and prosperity, connecting the region and developing trade.
According to the statement, Dr. Mohib expressed Afghanistan’s support for the democratic struggle in Pakistan.
The former premier and head of the Pakistan Muslim League (N) said that a strong and stable Afghanistan was in the best interest of Pakistan and the region at large. (Pajhwok)