Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

7 Govt. Entities Spend 50pc of Budgets in 10 Months

7 Govt. Entities Spend  50pc of Budgets in 10 Months

KABUL - Seven government institutions have been able to use more than 50 percent of their annual development budgets over the past 10 months of the ongoing year, officials said on Saturday. Another five departments could utilize only 34 percent of the yearly funds, the Afghanistan Parliamentary Assistance Project (APAP) said in a statement.
He Independent Election Commission, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, the Department of Geology and Cartography, High Commission for Atomic Technology and the Afghanistan Natural Disaster Management Authority The institutions spent 34 percent of the budget.

Ministries of haj, telecommunications and information technology, justice, rural rehabilitation and development, borders and tribal affairs,
directorate for Kuchis and Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan (MISFA) used over 50 percent of their budgets.

Ministries of foreign affairs and information and culture were among those lagging behind in utilizing their allocations.
According to the Ministry of Finance, development budget for the current Afghan year was 99.7 billion Afghanis ($2 billion).

Approved by the Wolesi Jirga last summer, the budget included 150 billion Afghanis for non-development activities.