Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Afghanistan, a Lab of Authoritarian Regimes for Decades:ANF

Afghanistan, a Lab of Authoritarian Regimes for Decades:ANF

Govt. is unable to address people's demands: Massoud

Karzai himself is being fed by foreigners: Mohaqiq

KABUL - Leader of the Afghanistan National Front (ANF), Ahmad Zia Massoud, on Sunday criticized President Karzai's Saturday comments at the National Assembly where he said new systems should not be tested in Afghanistan.
President Hamid Karzai told the Afghan National Assembly on Saturday that Afghanistan was not a country where new systems and structures could be tested. He said that his government was established based on the will of the Afghan people.
The President Karzai made the comments during a speech at the inauguration of the second year, session 16th of the Afghan National Assembly.

The President is believed to have made the comments in reaction to the calls by some opposition parties to change the government from presidential system to a parliamentary one.
But the Leader of Afghanistan National Front, Ahmad Zia Massoud, views Karzai's comments as resistance against the will of the Afghan citizens.

Mr.Massoud said Afghanistan had been a laboratory of authoritarian regimes in different periods and that the issue has to be addressed now.
The Leader of the National Front once again stressed on the formation of a decentralized government system in Afghanistan.

President Karzai's recent comments have followed many reactions.
"If there is resistance against the legitimate demands of the Afghan people, it means that the government is going towards totalitarianism and despotism and the nation will be faced with an unpleasant situation," Ahmad Zia Massoud said.

A member of the National Front, Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, said that President Karzai should not attribute the demands of the National Front to foreigners.
"Mr Karzai himself is being fed by foreigners. He uses a plane to go to the parliament from the palace and his bodyguards were foreigners before. Now he attributes others' words to foreigners," Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq said.

The National Front believes that the current government system is unjust and warns that this situation must not continue.
"The government is unable to address people's demands and the country is going towards a crisis. This is why the National Front called for a change in the Afghan political system so that a crisis can be averted," MrMassoud said.

It comes as the leading members of the National Front recently met with US lawmakers in Berlin and stressed on the establishment of a decentralized government system in Afghanistan.
The Afghan government then called the meeting in Berlin against the constitution warning that such meeting must not be repeated. (Tolo News)