Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Karzai Renews Promise on Cabinet Picks, Chief Justice

Karzai Renews Promise on  Cabinet Picks, Chief Justice

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai has promised sending a list carrying names of his Cabinet nominees, the chief justice and the attorney general to the lower house of parliament for a vote of confidence next week, officials said.
Wolesi Jirga Speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi told Wednesday's session Karzai had promised him on Tuesday that he would introduce some ministers-designate to the Wolesi Jirga for the trust vote.
Since his reelection in the 2009 presidential vote, Karzai had introduced his picks for the 25-minister Cabinet in three phases, but only 19 of them were able to get the trust vote from the Parliament.
Still ministries including the public health, women's affairs, transport and aviation, communications and information technology, higher education, urban development and water and energy are being run by acting ministers despite the expiry of their tenures.

Also, the office terms of three Supreme Court justices, including the chief justice, had expired.
Lawmakers had repeatedly asked Karzai over the past one and a half year to introduce the remaining ministers to the lower house, but the President had been unable to do so.

"I am not sure that Karzai will introduce the rest of his remaining cabinet nominees for a trust vote," public representative from southern Zabul, Abdul Qadar Qalatwal, said.
Karzai had several times promised that he would introduce the ministers-designate, but he did not keep his promises, he said.

"The President has said that 95 percent work on the preparation of his list is completed, but he is going to discuss the list with his first vice president, as an excuse to delay the process," he said.

Another MP from western Herat, Manawar Shah Bahadari, said they would put pressure on the government to introduce the ministers-designate as soon as possible.

Despite efforts, officials at the Presidential Palace and the Parliamentary Affairs Ministry could not be reached for comments in this regard.

The lower house passed a law preventing acting ministers from continuing job for more than one month.