Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Taliban are Terrorists and the Murderers: Spanta

Taliban are Terrorists and the Murderers: Spanta

KABUL - National Security Advisor to President Karzai, in an Exclusive Interview with Tolo news, said that Taliban are the murderers of Afghan people and are servants of foreigners.
Mr Spanta said one should not expect humane behavior from the Taliban.
He said if government tries to bring Taliban to power, he will feel ashamed to being part of it.
Killing is the art of the Taliban and if anyone calls Taliban leaders as "heroes", will be a traitor and enemy of Afghanistan, Mr Spanta continued.
Taliban's aim is to impose medieval culture on contemporary era.

"If government tries to bring Taliban into power and ignore our achievements, I want to say from now that I am feel ashamed before history," Mr Spanta said.
He emphasized that Afghan government should not lose the war it's winning, with Taliban's propaganda.

Mr Spanta believes that the Taliban can be considered the main problem for Afghanistan in the last 10 years.
He called Hezbe Islami an easy party to talk to, but said that government should talk with main players of the Afghan crisis.

He called Taliban's Qatar office only an address to the militant group, and not a political office.
"This office is only an address for talking to the Taliban, and it can in no way be seen as recognition of the Taliban," he added.

He called corruption a major challenge ahead of the Afghan government.
Existence of corruption has paved the way for the enemies of Afghanistan to misuse it.

He once again emphasized on Afghan-owned Peace process and said Afghanistan will not sacrifice the past achievements.
The statements come as Afghan government recently agreed to establishment of Taliban's Qatar office.

The Taliban group has also shown its readiness for talks with the US government and it's Western allies.
Release of Taliban leaders from Guantanamo Bay prison has been Taliban main pre-condition for talks.

Recently Afghan government expressed it's agreement to transfer of Taliban prisoners to Qatar to join their families.
It came as Pakistani media reported that the talks between the US and the Taliban have ended without result. (Tolo News)