Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghanistan Unable to Take Over Prisons, Night Raids: Khalilzad

Afghanistan Unable  to Take Over Prisons, Night Raids: Khalilzad

KABUL - Former US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Zalmai Khalilzad, told TOLOnews on Wednesday that Afghanistan does not have the necessary ability to take over prisons and responsibility to carry out night raids independently.
Mr Khalilzad warned of lack of confidence about the future in Afghanistan and stressed on the importance of long-term strategic partnership between Kabul and Washington.

He said the security situation in Afghanistan was worrying, but expressed optimism about peace talks with the Taliban.

Putting an end to night raids as well as the transfer of Bagram prison to Afghans are preconditions of the Afghan government to sign a long-term strategic agreement with the US.
"Practically, and based on current capacities and the previous experiences in Afghanistan, itequires some time before Afghan are able to take over all responsibilities. It is not in the interest of Afghanistan, if responsibilities are taken over before having the necessary ability to do so," Mr Khalilzad said.

Currently two main agendas of international community and the Afghan government are to bring anti-government armed groups to negotiation table in order to end the war in the country.
"If Europe has finally come to a conclusion that Afghanistan is on the path to democracy and the rule of law and if the warring sides reconcile and stop fighting, it will be a big achievement," Mr Khalilzad said.

Asked about the 2014 troop drawdown schedule, Mr Khalizad said Afghan forces may not be able to take over all responsibilities to defend the country on their own if all foreign troops leave by the end of the mentioned timeline, especially taking into account the regional challenges.

He said if there are still security challenges after 2014, foreign troops' presence will have to be extended for some time.
It comes as experts believe Afghanistan will witness new uncontrollable waves of violence if it loses the chance to sign a long-term strategic pact with the United States. (Tolo News)