Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Parliament Approves TAPI Gas Agreement

Parliament Approves  TAPI Gas Agreement

KABUL - Afghan lawmakers Saturday approved Turkmenistan- Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas agreement.
International Liaison Commission of the Afghan parliament viewed the agreement as an economy booster in the country and said Turkmenistan's gas flow through Afghanistan would help to strengthen business relations between the members of the projects.

A member of international liaison commission of the Afghan House of Representatives Mohammad Anwar Akbari while expressing happiness about the move of the house said about 7,000 people will be assigned to ensure security to the project in the country.
After the completion of the project Afghanistan would receive 1,200,000,000 cubic meters of gas and it would peak at more than 5 billion cubic meters of gas within five years, Mr. Akbari said.

"We will have support of a US company and estimations put the cost of the project at around $7.8 billion. And construction work will begin by 2012 and it's expected to be completed by 2014," Mr. Akbari said.
Naheed Ahmadi Farid, an Afghan lawmaker who represents Herat province, said "cooperation in improvement of gas and fuel industry is on top of our agenda.
Meanwhile, parliamentarians also ratified the agreement of Convention on Cluster Munitions, which is an international treaty that bans the use of cluster bombs, signed by the Afghan government.
Lawmakers said Afghanistan is the 24th member of Convention on Cluster Munitions. (Tolo News)