Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

MPs Relax Rules on Trust Vote for Cabinet Picks

MPs Relax Rules on Trust Vote for Cabinet Picks

KABUL - A majority of parliamentarians on Saturday relaxed the Wolesi Jirga procedure regarding the re-introduction of rejected Cabinet nominees. The relaxation will benefit several ministers-designate.
The changes come days after President Hamid Karzai named seven Cabinet picks who were rejected by lawmakers during the previous term of Parliament. In the past, rejected candidates were not eligible for a trust vote.
Under Article 76 of the procedure, a candidate for a government post, once rejected by Parliament, could not be re-introduced for the same position.

During Saturday's session, attended by 171 legislators, a majority of Wolesi Jirga members voted in favor of the amendments.

Speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi told the lower house a candidate for a government post, if rejected, could not be reintroduced for a confidence vote during the same term.

Two weeks back, Karzai named Mohammad Ismail, Amirzai Sangin, Dr. Soraya Dalil, Hussan Bano Ghazanfar, Obaidullah Obaid, Wais Ahmad Barmak, Daud Ali Najafi, Hassan Abdul Lilahi and Najibullah Aujan for different positions.

Seven of the nominees had already been refused the trust vote by the previous Wolesi Jirga. (Pajhwok)