Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

First Afghan-Pak-China Trilateral Dialogue Held in Beijing

First Afghan-Pak-China Trilateral Dialogue Held in Beijing

KABUL - The first Afghanistan-Pak-China trilogies was held in Beijing, and chaired by Ambassador Luo Zhaohui, Department of Asian Affairs of the Minister of the Foreign Affairs of China.
Director General of the First Political Department of the Ministry of Department of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Dr. Amanullah Jayhoon and Ambassador Alamgir Babar, additional Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan.
H. E. Mr. Yang Jiechi Foreign Minister of China met the heads of the three delegations on February 29.
The three countries agreed that, under the current situation, it is of great significance for the three foreign ministries to hold the trilateral dialogue and exchange views on the regional situation and cooperation between the three countries.

The dialogue will play a positive role in enhancing friendly cooperation between the three countries and maintaining peace and stability in the region.
The creation of the arrangements has provided a new model for unity and cooperation between the three countries.

The three countries acknowledge that the keys to overcoming current challenges include the Afghan reconciliation process, as well as regional socio-economic development. China and Pakistan expressed their support for the Afghan-led, Afghan-owned "reconciliation process.

The three sides reaffirmed their commitment to the spirit of the 2002 Kabul declaration on Good Neighborly Relations and their wish develop constructive and supportive bilateral relationship based on the principle of territorial integrity, mutual respect, friendly relations, cooperation and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

Afghanistan and Pakistan stated that they are willing to develop their bilateral relations and address regional challenges together to which the achiness side expressed welcome and readiness to play a constructive role.
The Chinese side welcomed and expressed support for the statement on intra-Afghan peace and reconciliation issues on 21 February 2012 by Prime Minister Sayed Yusur Raza Gaillani.

The three counties support the United Nation's leading role in the context of international cooperation.
Also, they believe that the role of international organizations and cooperation mechanisms, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, should be brought into full play.

The three countries support regional counties in enhancing political mutual trust and accommodating each other's concerns.
They agreed to explore the feasibility of trilateral cooperation in areas of connectivity, resource development and combating the three forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism. (BNA)