Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Cameron to Discuss Afghanistan Exit Plans with Obama

Cameron to Discuss Afghanistan Exit Plans with Obama

WASHINGTON - PM to hold US talks to ensure allies are in 'lock step' after six British soldiers go missing, believed dead, in Helmand
David Cameron will hold talks with Barack Obama next week to ensure that Britain and America are in "lock step" over their forces' role in Afghanistan in the wake of news that six British soldiers are missing, believed dead.

The prime minister paid tribute to the missing soldiers as he addressed a somber Commons chamber.
He also stressed the need to ensure troops had all the equipment "between now and then" to keep them "as safe as possible", as well as doing more for families at home who have lost loved ones in combat.
The prime minister said troops would not be in a combat role "anything like the numbers we're in now, at the end of 2014".

He urged the Taliban to lay down their weapons and engage in political talk to give the country a chance of peaceful progress.
The five soldiers from the 3rd Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment and one from the 1st Battalion the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment were on mounted patrol when their Warrior armored fighting vehicle was struck on Tuesday in Helmand province.

Cameron told MPs: "This would be the largest loss of life in a single incident in Afghanistan since 2006. It takes the overall number of casualties that we have suffered in Afghanistan to over 400. Every death and every injury reminds us of the human cost paid by our armed forces to keep our country safe."

He said he had spoken to the chief of defense staff, General Sir David Richards, the chief of the general staff, General Sir Peter Wall, and the commanding officer of 3 Yorkshire Regiment.
He said: "Each stressed the commitment of our troops to the mission and to getting the job done. But I know everyone will want a message of support and backing for our troops and their families to go out from this House today."

He said he would use his visit to the US to discuss the Afghanistan situation with the president.
"Next week is an opportunity to make sure that Britain and America, as the two largest contributors to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, are absolutely in lock step about the importance of training up the Afghan army, training up the Afghan police and making sure that all NATO partners have a properly co-ordinate process for transition in that country so that the Afghans can take responsibility for the security of their own country and we can bring our forces home," he said.

Cameron added: "We are clearly planning the increase in the army and police which are the physical forces that will take over, but the greatest difference we could make is a stronger political settlement that will make sure Afghanistan has the chance of real peace, stability, prosperity and security in the future."

The Labor leader, Ed Miliband, expressed his "profound sadness at the terrible news". "Today is a day we are reminded of the ongoing commitment and sacrifice that our service personnel make on our behalf," he said. "By putting themselves in harm's way for our benefit, they demonstrate the utmost service and courage."

He said it was important to restate the reason for the UK military presence in Afghanistan, which was to foster "a more stable, self-governing Afghanistan to produce more stable outcomes in that region and to ensure greater safety for our citizens here at home".

Cameron said the mission was "vital to our national security" to prevent Afghanistan becoming a "safe haven" to al-Qaida "from where they might plan attacks on the UK or our allies".
"Our task is simple: it's to equip the Afghan government and forces of Afghanistan with the capability and the capacity to take care of their own security without the need for foreign troops on the soil," he said. "That is our aim. We are making progress."

There were 184,000 Afghan troops, on target to reach 195,000 by the end of the year, with 145,000 police set to reach 157,000 by the end of 2012, he said.
Miliband pressed the prime minister on the diplomatic progress being made on securing the broader and more inclusive political settlement needed for a stable Afghanistan. He said the whole international community needed to "up the pace of progress" on a political settlement before the departure of UK and allied combat troops at the end of 2014.

Cameron said there were some "good signs" in that there were proper discussions now between the Afghan and Pakistani governments. "There is a clear message coming out of Afghanistan and Pakistan to all those who are engaged in violence to give up that violence and to join a political process. There is strong support for that across the Arab world, particularly in the Middle East," he said.

"We need to give that every possible support we can and send a very clear message to the Taliban that, whether it is our troops who are there or whether it is Afghan troops who are there, they will not win on the battlefield – they never win on the battlefield – and now it is time for a political settlement to give this country a chance of peaceful progress."

He said that the military covenant would ensure families who had lost loved ones were supported, in response to a question from Kris Hopkins, a Conservative MP who formerly served in the 3rd Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment, urging him to do everything possible to help them.

The Ministry of Defense announced on Wednesday that troops believed to be suffering from mental health problems would be assessed in Nottingham instead of London as part of a move to save money.
Troops who fear they are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or other mental health issues relating to active service, have previously been sent to St Thomas's hospital for assessment.
But they will now be sent to the MoD's reinforcements training and mobilization centre in Chilwell, Nottinghamshire.

The defense minister Andrew Robathan said in a written ministerial statement that the move was designed to cut costs but said it would also make it easier for troops from the Midlands and north of England to be assessed.
A "high percentage" of troops needing treatment came from the two regions, he said. (Agencies)