Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Call for Investigation into Karzai’s Corruption

Call for Investigation into Karzai’s Corruption

KABUL - A subcommittee of US Congress has called for an urgent investigation into the Afghan President's links to gross misuse of US foreign aid, according to a public release from the group.
The US Foreign Affairs Oversight and Investigations subcommittee requested the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigate "at the earliest possible date" what amount of funds "have been stolen, diverted, or otherwise inappropriately gone to, or benefited Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his family".

The request was made in a letter to the GAO dated March 7, signed by the chairperson of the subcommittee, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.

"American tax payer money must cease being diverted and abused by the leader of a country whose people America has tried so valiantly to help. A report that thoroughly quantifies how much US foreign aid has gone to the Karzai family is urgently needed," the letter said.

It stated more information was needed on what was being done with foreign aid to Afghanistan given that Congress is considering the 2013 budget proposal which includes a further $2.5 billion in foreign aid to the country.
Rohrabacher's office released the letter on Friday, US time, with a public statement citing the numerous accusations about

the corruption of President Karzai and his family in media reports and wiki-leaks cables.

"It is time to know for sure, on the record, exactly how dishonest the government in Kabul has become and how much money we are wasting there," the Congressman said in the statement.

The release specifically highlighted reports of Karzai's brother, Mahmoud Karzai receiving "interest free loans to buy a stake in the Kabul Bank, the center of financial scandals, massive embezzlement and political corruption involving skimming from US and Coalition transactions and project funding". (Tolo News)