Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

WJ Shut in Protest Over Killings

WJ Shut in Protest Over Killings

KABUL - In a protest against the brutal slaying of civilians by US troops in the southern province of Kandahar, Wolesi Jirga (WJ), the lower house of parliament, was closed on Monday.
Sixteen civilians, including women and children, were killed on Sunday morning, and 11 of their bodies burnt after the killing by American soldiers in Zangabad area of Panjwae district.
Angry lawmakers in the capital condemned the cruel attack on ordinary people in Kandahar and at about 11 am decided that the parliament building would be closed as a protest for a day.

Public representative from Kandahar, Hamidzai Lalai, urged Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his vice presidents to resign from their posts as they failed to maintain proper security for their countrymen.

Lalai also rejected US officials' claims that the killings was executed by a single mentally unstable soldier since it was carried out five kilometers away from the US military base and he later returned to his base after the incident.

Another MP from Kandahar, Mullah Syed Mohammad Akhund, said that US troops intentionally carried out the attack.

"If Karzai doesn't take urgent step toward the case, he should be responsible to the people or the Wolesi Jirga should be closed," he said.

He called on the MPs to show their moral support against such gruesome attacks and be ready for any kind of sacrifices to avert such incidents.

"Americans lie that the soldier suffered mental disorder. If he was mentally (unstable) he had to shot US soldiers first," an MP from Logar, Mohammad Akbar Stanikzai voiced out.

Wolesi Jirga Speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi also condemned the tragedy, ordering security and justice commissions to dispatch a delegation to the province to probe the massacre soon.

The lower house of Parliament also issued a declaration, terming the act of US soldiers as inhumane and a serious crime, and Afghans could not tolerate such tragedies anymore.

The resolution letter also demanded public punishment for the criminals so that it would serve as a strong deterrent to others.

After reading the letter, public representative from western Herat province, Nazir Ahmad Hanifi chanted slogan "Down to America", which was only supported by Lalai, while other MPs remained silent.

Resolution letters alone would not prevent Afghans from being attacked, but lawmakers protest in front of US embassy in Kabul would be more effective.

" I believe demonstration would have good results. If others are afraid to conduct the rally, I am ready to lead the protest," he concluded.

US president Barak Obama, in a telephonic conversation, told Karzai that they would investigate the killings, while US defense secretary said that they would punish the soldiers involved in the attack. (Pajhwok)