Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

U.S. Afghan Strategy Won't Change: Panetta

U.S. Afghan Strategy Won't Change: Panetta

KABUL - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was in Afghanistan Wednesday, vowing recent tragic events would not change the U.S. strategy for the country. Panetta is the first administration official to visit since a U.S. sergeant reportedly killed 16 Afghan citizens Sunday.
The killings have stoked long-simmering anger over the decade long U.S. war and occupation. Panetta decried the tragic events of the last few days --- an Afghan soldier was killed when a government delegation was attacked during a memorial for the victims -- while saying the relationship between U.S. and Afghan officials remained firm.
"I understand that questions are going to be raised as a result of the events of the last few weeks," Panetta told reporters while traveling to Afghanistan. "[But] it is very important for policy-makers to keep their eye on the target."

The war effort also has been crimped by an unpopular Afghan government and a growing anti-American sentiment among the country's war-weary population.

Panetta, however, maintains the core of the U.S. approach in Afghanistan is sound, the Post said, and is expected to relay that message to Afghan President Hamid Karzai and other senior Afghan officials during his two-day visit. Panetta also will meet with U.S. troops and Afghan tribal elders. (UPI)