Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Turkish PM Cancels Germany Trip after Soldiers’ Deaths in Afghanistan

Turkish PM Cancels Germany Trip after Soldiers’ Deaths in Afghanistan

KABUL - The Turkish Prime Minister RecepTyyipErdoğan has canceled his trip to Germany after a helicopter crash killed 12 Turkish soldiers in Afghanistan on Friday. A Turkish military helicopter crashed into a house in Kabul on Friday, killing 12 Turkish soldiers on board and four Afghan civilians on the ground, a statement on the Prime Minister's website said late yesterday.

It was the deadliest incident involving Turkish soldiers in Afghanistan, where they have a noncombat role. Previously, only two Turkish soldiers had been killed in Afghanistan since it joined the NATO mission in 2003.
The helicopter was on a mission for US-led NATO forces when it went down at 10:45 am local time in Bagrami district of Kabul, the Turkish military said in a statement.

NATO said there was no enemy activity in the area at the time of the crash, AP reported.

MrErdoğan was supposed to depart for Germany on Saturday to participate in a youth workshop in Cologne and to attend the Der Steiger award ceremony to accept an award for international leadership, which is granted annually to individuals who are noteworthy for their achievements in such areas as politics, media, sports and environment.

Turkey has around 1,845 troops in Afghanistan, most of them based in Jawzjan and Wardak provinces. (Tolo News)