Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

MPs Call for Removal of AG, Top Judge

MPs Call for Removal of AG, Top Judge

KABUL - Some Wolesi Jirga members on Saturday asked the government to implement a house decision on the removal of the attorney-general, the chief justice and five Supreme Court judges, an official said.
Last year, the lawmakers refused to repose confidence in AG Mohammad Ishaq Aloko, Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdul Salam Azimi and five other judges -- Bahaudin Baha, Abdur Rashed Rashid, Zaman Ali Behsudi, Omar Babrakzai and Maulvi Abdul Aziz.

Since the nominations of Aloko, Azimi and five others had been rejected by the lower house, they should step dawn, believed a legislator from southwestern Farah province, Mohammad Sarwar Osmani.
The Supreme Court had previously ruled the Wolesi Jirga had no authority to reject the nominees if they were not involved in treason.

Osmani asked the government to introduce new candidates for the top positions for a confidence vote to the Wolesi Jirga. “We can’t keep silent over the non-implementation of our decisions.”
Another legislator, Mahmood Khan Salimankhil, also assailed the Karzai administration for failing to enforce the legislature’s decisions.

His colleague Sadiquizada Neli blamed the house administrative board for the delay in implementation of the decision. He said the board had been unable to keep its promise of stepping up efforts at the enforcement of the assembly’s vote.

First Deputy Speaker Abdul Zahir Qadir said the board had done a lot to convince the government to implement house decisions. He went on to promise the creation of a powerful commission to implement the recommendations of parliamentarians.

“We have given a vote of confidence to those introduced by the government. Now that there is no distrust between Parliament and the government, our views should be respected and our recommendations implemented,” he concluded. (Pajhwok)