Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

UK Backs Afghan Govt’s Stance on Taliban Talks

UK Backs Afghan Govt’s Stance on Taliban Talks

KABUL - The United Kingdom on Sunday urged the global fraternity to facilitate peace negotiations between the Taliban and the government of President Hamid Karzai.
At a news conference in Kabul, the outgoing British ambassador to Afghanistan asked the insurgents to renounce the decade-long conflict and return to their villages.

"It is for the international community and the United States to help facilitate discussions between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan," William Patey said.

Britain would continue to back an Afghan-led peace and reconciliation process, the diplomat promised. "We supported the High Peace Council; we continue to support the High Peace Council.”
Patey’s remarks come days after the militant movement announced suspending peace parleys with the US.

The Taliban said they would not return to the negotiating table unless the Americans explained their stance and showed their willingness to honor their promises.

In response to a question about the Taliban’s statement on suspending the talks, the ambassador said: "It is not for us to do a separate deal. It is for the world and the US to help facilitate discussions.”

He went on to endorse the Afghan government’s position on dialogue with the Taliban, saying that the fighters had to cut links to Al Qaida, shun violence and embrace the Afghan constitution. (Pajhwok)