Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

UN to Continue Promoting Rights of Women, Children: Jan Kubis

UN to Continue Promoting Rights of Women, Children: Jan Kubis

MAZAR-I-SHARIF - The United Nations would continue to protect and promote the rights of Afghan women and children and protect civilians, a top diplomat promised on Sunday.
"We will continue to call on all parties to comply with their obligations under international laws, including humanitarian and human rights law and protection of civilians in armed conflicts," he said.
Addressing a remembrance ceremony for the UN staffers killed in an attack on their office in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif , the secretary-general's special representative said the world body would continue supporting the Afghans.

The seven UN workers killed in the Balkh capital included one each from Norway and Romania and five from Nepal.

Jan Kubis, who also heads UNAMA, added they would help the Afghans build a better, more peaceful and prosperous future for themselves. "We will do it also in memory of our victimized colleagues and in their name."
"As we remember our seven colleagues, our thoughts go out to their families, their friends, their colleagues who shared their daily lives. We know what a difficult day this is for you.

"Nothing can ever replace them, but we hope that in some small way, our determination to continue their work is a mark of our respect for their sacrifice," he remarked.

The accelerated Afghan leadership and ownership entailed full responsibility and accountability from the government and its institutions, including justice and good governance, he said

"In the few months I have been in Afghanistan I have drawn a lot of hope from the strong desire for peace. The message of the people is clear – it is time to end the conflict and to move forward together," Kubis added. (Pajhwok)