Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Deputy Ministers Barred from Briefing MPs

Deputy Ministers Barred from Briefing MPs

KABUL - Wolesi Jirga (lower house of Parliament) on Monday refused to allow deputy ministers of education and higher education to brief lawmakers on behalf of their bosses about the outcome of a recent university entrance test.
As many as 40,000 of 147,000 candidates were declared successful in last week's test, with the education ministry promising that another 70,000 students would be enrolled in semi-higher education institutes.
Amid rumors of irregularities in the exam, the Wolesi Jirga called for an increase in the number of students to be given admissions to higher education institutes.

The house summoned Higher Education Minister Obaidullah Obaid and Education Minister Farooq Wardak. Instead, the ministers sent their deputies to brief legislators on the subject.

First Deputy Speaker Zahir Qadir said the house had the authority to accept or deny entry to the deputy ministers, asking MPs to vote on the issue. A majority of 130 MPs present raised their red cards to prevent the deputy ministers from briefing them.

Qadir announced they would hold a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss issues concerning the entry test, saying that the ministers concerned were required to attend the session.

But a member from central Panjsher province, Dr. Zaheer Sadat, opposed the decision and said the deputy ministers had complete information about the entry test and they should be allowed to speak.

Khoshk Watandost, a legislator from western Herat province, responded the deputies had no authority to brief them on the issue. He said the ministers had received a vote of confidence from the assembly and they were bound to answer lawmakers' questions.

Parliamentarian Ramazan Bashardost said the ministers had to appear in person. He added the education minister and Higher Education Commission chief Kamal Nasir Asoli were out of the country at this critical juncture.
He wanted Asoli (currently in India) to be referred to the Attorney General's Office for deliberately avoiding answering questions from dozens of people visiting the Wolesi Jirga. However, he did not elaborate.

On Sunday, Meshrano Jirga (Senate) members alleged the university entrance test lacked transparency and a small number of candidates were granted admissions to higher education institutes. But Obaid said they were trying to provide admission to all candidates who secured 290 marks in the test. (Pajhwok)