Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Kabul Celebrate World Water Day 2012

Kabul  Celebrate World  Water Day 2012

KABUL – Today the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) and the UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) celebrated the World Water Day in the conference hall of the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW). International World Water Day is held annually as a means of focusing attention on the importance of fresh water and advocating the sustainable development and management of freshwater resources.

An International day to celebrate fresh water was recommended at the 1992 United Nation conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). This year the theme of World Water Day is "Water and Food Security".
Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) and Food and Agriculture Organization have celebrated this International day in the presence of HE. Mr. Mohammad Ismail Minister of Energy and Water, HE Mr. Mohammad Asif Rahimi Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, HE Mr. Mohammad Yusuf Pashtun Senior Advisor of President Office, Mr. Obaidullah Ramin Head of Commission of Natural Resources, Environment and Public Welfare of Wolesi Jirga, Mr. Ousmane Guindo FAO Representative in Afghanistan, Deputy Ministers and representatives of Ministries of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Mines, Economy and Urban Development, Representatives of Parliament of Afghanistan, UN Agencies, donor communities and others take holders.

The ceremony started with the message of HE Mr. Mohammad Karim Khalili followed by speeches of HE Minister of Energy and Water; HE Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock; HE Senior Advisor of President office; Chairman of Commission of Natural Resources, Environment and Public Welfare of Wolosi Jirga; FAO Representative in Afghanistan and a Mirab have conducted their speeches. All speakers emphasized on the importance of water and development of Water Resources and Irrigation in Afghanistan.

In this occasion around 200 experts participated in this ceremony. Gifts were awarded to 5 successful Mirabs from Kabul Province in recognition of their excellent water management services rendered to their respective traditional irrigation communities. (PR)