Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

2nd Phase of Security Switch to Cover Kapisa

2nd Phase of  Security Switch to Cover Kapisa

MAHMOOD RAQI - The central province of Kapisa would be included in the second phase of security transfer from foreign soldiers to Afghan forces, a senior official said on Saturday.
Security Transition Commission Chairman Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai said this during a visit to the province to assess the current security situation.

Ghani did not give a specific due date for the switch, but acknowledged the need for dealing with the problems of law and order, a shortage of security force and weapons.
Without giving details, he promised some development projects in the insecure districts of the province would be launched prior to the security transfer.

Local officials called for equipping Afghan soldiers and increasing their strength to better deal with the security challenge.
"When the number of Afghan forces is increased and when they are equipped with sophisticated weapons, there will be no security problem, even if foreign troops leave the province," Governor, Gen. Mehrabuddin Safi said.

Some provincial council members also voiced support for the second phase of transition, suggesting the capacity of Afghan soldiers should be enhanced before the handover.
As part of the transition process launched in July 2011, a number of provinces and districts have been handed to Afghan forces.

When the second phase of transition that started on December 1 is completed, 50 percent of the country's security responsibility would be transferred to the Afghan lead.

During the current phase, Faizabad, Shahr-i-Buzurg, Yaftal Sofla, Arghanchkhwa, Baharak, Tishkan, Kishm and Argu districts of Badakhshan transitioned to Afghan forces.

The Aab Kamari district of Badghis, Nawa, Nad Ali and Marja in Helmand, Herat province -- excluding Shindand, Oba and Chisht Sharif -- Qarghayee in Laghman and Behsud, Kooz Kunar and Surkh Rod. (Pajhwok)