Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Stern Action Urged to Stem Corruption

Stern Action Urged  to Stem Corruption

KABUL - An anti-graft network on Sunday backed President Hamid Karzai's initiative to further probe anomalies in the Kabul Bank that faced a major financial crisis last year
The Afghan Anti-Corruption Network (AACN) supported the appointment of the Special Prosecutor's Office and a Special Tribunal to investigate the huge banking corruption scandal.

"The AACN calls this a good step, which can result in success in the fight corruption. Once again, the network urges the president to ignore pressure and remove all corrupt officials from government positions…" the network said in a statement released today.

Karzai announced the high-profile investigation at the economic committee meeting held on April 3.

The anti-corruption agency said based on national and international researches' figures, Afghanistan is still among the top four corrupt countries of the world. This has raised concerns among Afghans, the international community and donor countries.

"Corruption in the country is not only a stigma for the Afghan government, but it is also a factor behind the country's misery.

"If the government does not take serious action against corruption, it will lose its credibility and legitimacy among Afghan citizens and the international community," the statement concluded. (Pajhwok)