Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Osama Death Good News for Afghans: NATO Official

Osama Death Good News for Afghans: NATO Official

JALALABAD - The new commander of NATO-led troops in the eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday said the death of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was good news for Afghans and Americans.
Osama bin Laden, the alleged mastermind behind the devastating 9/11 attacks in the United States, was killed in his luxury mansion in Abbottabad city of Pakistan.
The world's most wanted individual, the multimillionaire Saudi citizen was killed on Sunday night during a firefight with American forces.
"But his death does not mean the mission is complete. Our troops will continue to carry out joint operations with their Afghan counterparts," Richard C Kim told Pajhwok Afghan News.

He identified the restoration of peace and security in Nuristan, Kunar and Nangarhar provinces to pave the ground for development schemes as a top priority.
He said Afghan troops would have to lead operations, with foreign soldiers playing a supportive role. The NATO official also vowed to ensure minimum civilian casualties during military operations against insurgents.
Border police commander, Gen. Aminullah Amarkhel, told Pajhwok police had the ability to secure the 461 kilometres long border with Pakistan.
He urged the new NATO commander to provide them with modern weapons, intelligence tools and armoured vehicles in addition to training. He also insisted on a leading role for Afghans during joint operations, particularly in house searches.
The 201st Selab Military Corps commander, Gen. Mohammad Afzal, hoped the deployment of the 25th Infantry Division would have a positive impact on the security situation in eastern provinces. He said the force had advanced military equipment, including air support. (Pajhwok)