Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Rassoul Vows Women’s Rights Protection

Rassoul Vows Women’s Rights Protection

KABUL - Afghanistan Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Zalmai Rassoul assured women's rights in the country will be safeguarded even as the nation is undergoing a peace transition.
"Our commitment that the country's achievements of the past decade, including women's rights, should not be harmed in the peace process," Rassoul told a group of visiting Pakistani women lawmakers.

Welcoming Pakistan Members of Parliament and Senate in Kabul on Saturday, he underscored women's role in society's socio-political development.

Women are considered effective in linking the parliaments of Afghanistan and Pakistan -- particularly bolstering ties between female parliamentarians to strengthen bilateral relations and also regional integration, said Rassoul.

The Pakistani delegation also stressed women's role in marking a bright future for Afghanistan, their role in the peace process and considered the achievements of Afghan government in improving women's condition and promoting their rights as positive and notable.

The meeting was also attended by three women Afghan lawmakers, Director of Human Rights and Women's International Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Pajhwok)