Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Clinton, Crocker Talk Afghan Security

Clinton, Crocker Talk Afghan Security

WASHINGTON - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday called her top diplomat in Afghanistan to know about Afghanistan's security situation after Taliban militants launched a series of attacks across the country, including in the capital Kabul.
Clinton asked Ambassador Ryan Crocker to convey to President Hamid Karzai the commendable work done by Afghan security forces and also confirm American personnel's safety, the State Department said in a statement

"She asked Ambassador Crocker to convey to President Karzai the United States' appreciation for the swift and effective response of Afghan National Security Forces," added the statement.
Appearing on CNN from Kabul, the US ambassador praised the Afghan forces for their professionalism in stopping the attackers.

"I think they have acquitted themselves very, very well, very professionally. And it has been all Afghan security forces, not international forces," Crocker told CNN in an interview.

"We have seen a very professional performance by Afghan security forces. They are able to deal with events like this on their own, a clear sign of progress. That's how we do get out responsibly as they take over," he said.
While the Taliban took credit for the assaults, the ambassador pointed finger toward the Haqqani Network.

"The Taliban are really good at issuing statements, less good at actually fighting. My guess, based on previous experience here, is a set of Haqqani Network operations out of North Waziristan and the Pakistani tribal areas. Frankly, I don't think the Taliban are good enough," he said. (Pajhwok)