Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Karzai Criticized for Calling Taliban ‘Brothers’

Karzai Criticized for  Calling Taliban ‘Brothers’

KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai calling the Taliban 'brothers' has garnered much attention and strong reactions among Afghans, some arguing it will negatively impact the image of Afghanistan.

The actions of the Taliban do not merit the term brother, Chairman of the Foundation for Culture and Civil Society (FCCS) Mir Ahmad Joyenda said Wednesday.

The Taliban, who have "never believed in humanity", should not be called brothers, he said, adding that he feared the international community would cut aid if Karzai continues to refer to them as such.

"Calling those who are enemies, who are trying to destroy the city, and who have never believed in humanity, brothers, is greatly disappointing," he told Tolonews.

Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) condemned Sunday's attacks in Kabul and said the Taliban's actions had no regard for civilians, and as such, should be condemned.

"The Taliban have no respect for civilians and all their operations harm civilians," AIHRC head Mohammed Musa Mahmoodi. "These acts should be strongly condemned."

It is not the first time Karzai has referred to the militant group using this term. He has used it as far back as 2009.

Some analysts have previously argued that calling Taliban 'brothers' would downgrade the morale of Afghan security forces and encourage the Taliban to increase their insurgent activities. Karzai used the controversial in his public address in Kabul on Tuesday, but stressed that what the Taliban had done was against Islamic principles.

"You [Taliban] damaged Islam, Afghanistan and its economy," he said.

"You did nothing for Islam, you did not work for Afghanistan's independence and you did not work for its people, freedom and development. You worked to prolong a foreign presence." (Tolo News)