Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

WJ Confirms Afghan-India Strategic Cooperation Pact

WJ Confirms Afghan-India  Strategic Cooperation Pact

KABUL - At the general session of House of People chaired by its speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, three agreements signed by Afghanistan with foreign countries was debated.
These included strategic cooperation agreement between Afghanistan and India, the cooperation agreement of Afghanistan with Pakistan, India and Turkmenistan on extension of Gas pipeline and the agreement for financing of agriculture and rural development of western provinces between Afghanistan and Italy which were discussed at the commissions of the Hose of people.

The deputy head of international affairs commission Mohammad Noor Akbari considered the agreements to the interest of Afghanistan.
All the agreements were unanimously adopted by the general session of the House of People.

The deputies also strongly condemned the Tuesday's terrorist attacks in Kabul, Nangarhar, Logar and Paktia by the Taliban and said that the Taliban in reality with these attacks negated the peace approach on Qatar.
They said that the peace process of the government is carried one-sidedly and if this is continued in this way the government is not doing justice with the people of Afghanistan.

The deputies also praised the rapid-reaction force of the interior ministry in suppressing the terrorist attacks and they prayed peace for the souls of the martyrs of these attacks.
They also asked the charity organizations including the parliament members to render possible assistance to the martyrs of these attacks.

Some deputies criticized the assertions of Azizullah Ludeen chairman of the high administration for struggle corruption that the deputies voted to the cabinet ministers who are involved in big embezzlements.
They noted that Ludeen in reality is abusing home of the nation.

Contrary to the assertions of Ludeen, the House of People says that it has not received any documents pertaining to the bribery of some of the candidate ministers.

At the end of the session a report on the visit of the delegation of the House of People of the wounded of the recent terrorist attacks at the Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan Hospital and police hospital was presented and police hospital was presented by Mohammad Farhad Azimi second secretary of the house of people. (BNA)