Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

US to Support Govt. Chosen by Afghans: Crocker

US to Support Govt. Chosen by Afghans: Crocker

KANDAHAR CITY - US Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker said on Monday his country would support any government system backed by the Afghan people.
A visiting group of US Congressmen and leaders of the Afghanistan National Front (ANF) on Sunday suggested a parliamentary model as a suitable alternative to the present presidential system.

Crocker, who arrived in Kandahar city, capital of southern Kandahar province, said the visit was private and has nothing to do with the US government's policies.
After the meetings, ANF leader, Ahmad Zia Massoud, told a joint press conference in Kabul that the only solution to resolve the crisis in Afghanistan was to switch to a parliamentary system.

In a joint statement, they said comprehensive reforms were needed in the country's political system ahead of foreign troops' withdrawal, saying the present government system was rife with corruption.
The US envoy, who also visited Kandahar University, met tribal elders, religious scholars, provincial and peace council's members and local government officials.

Later, he attended a joint press conference with Governor TooryalaiWeesa, saying the US supported Afghanistan's constitution and would support any form of government that Afghans chose.
On a proposed strategic agreement, the contents of which were finalized a day earlier, Crocker said the agreement tied the US in a long-term partnership with Afghanistan.

Karzai spokesman, AimalFaizi, on Sunday said Afghanistan and the US finalized the contents of the much-delayed strategic partnership pact, which would be sent to both countries' lawmakers for final consultations.
Foreign minister ZalmaiRassoul and national security advisor, Dr. RanginDadfarSpanta, on Monday briefed both houses of Parliament on the contents.

"The accord will be signed as soon as possible by the US and Afghan presidents. We assure Afghanistan that US will be its supporter for a long time ahead," the envoy said.
He said although most foreign troops would leave the country after the 2014 deadline, US would continue to cooperate for a decade after the pullout.

About his visit to the university, Crocker said the US embassy would increase its support for the university, where a library was being established.
Governor Weesa said he discussed security, development and good governance with Crocker. (Pajhwok)